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FAQs about IVF Transport - From Cryo Medical Logistics, powered by Greenplace Healthcare

Updated: Jun 7

The transport of reproductive samples for IVF procedures is a critical aspect of the assisted

reproductive technology (ART) process. Here's a detailed guide addressing some of the most frequently asked questions about IVF transport:

1. Who Should Complete the Transport?

Specialised IVF medical logistics companies, like ours, are staffed with professionals who have both medical and logistics backgrounds should complete the transport. We possess the expertise to ensure the safe and secure transportation of reproductive samples domestically and internationally. Our founder has over a decades experience in Healthcare in the gynaecology and urology space across three continents.

2. Is Insurance Necessary?

Insurance is not normally necessary for IVF transport, and it can often lead to inflated prices. Specialist IVF Medical Logistics companies mitigate risks through proper maintenance of equipment, avoidance of X-ray exposure, and hand-carrying samples to maintain the correct orientation at all times. Temperature monitoring devices are also utilised to ensure sample integrity.

3. Is it Possible to Transport Frozen Embryos or Gametes Between IVF Clinics?

Yes, it is possible to transport frozen embryos or gametes between IVF clinics, but it should be done by specialist medical courier companies led by healthcare professionals with experience in medical logistics. These companies have the expertise and infrastructure to ensure the safe and secure transport of reproductive samples.

4. What Documents are Needed for Transport?

Specialist medical courier companies have experience in providing all the necessary documents for IVF transport, including customs declarations, transport permits, and temperature logs.

5. How is Sample Tracking Done?

Our robust innovative courier software allows for real-time tracking of samples throughout the transport process, providing visibility to all parties involved.

6. Do You Check the IVF Temperature?

Yes, temperature monitoring devices, such as data loggers, are used to track the temperature of samples throughout the transport process to maintain their integrity.

7. What Safety Measures are in Place to Protect Our Precious Samples?

Specialist IVF medical logistics transporters hand-carry samples to prevent X-ray exposure, maintain awareness of international regulations for customs clearance, and ensure equipment is sanitised and maintained properly. A recent study from Pellegrini et al, shows that international transportation from frozen embryos and gametes does not effect IVF outcomes. Link to paper:

8. Cost of Service:

We offer the most competitive prices, making transport more affordable for clinics and patients without compromising on quality.

9. What Communication Will I Receive?

Clients receive communication throughout the entire process, including photo and signature proof of collection and delivery. Real-time tracking and access to a client portal ensure transparency and peace of mind.

In conclusion, entrusting IVF transport to specialist medical logistics companies like us ensures the safe, secure, and efficient transportation of reproductive samples, ultimately optimising the success of IVF procedures

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