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Exporting Embryos and Gametes from the UK: A Comprehensive Guide by Greenplace Healthcare

Exporting embryos and gametes from the UK

Navigating the process of exporting your frozen gametes (sperm or eggs) or embryos from the UK to overseas can be complex. At Greenplace Healthcare, we are committed to guiding you through this intricate journey with our expertise and professionalism. Here's a brief guide to help you understand the practicalities and legal considerations involved in exporting your reproductive materials.

Why Consider Exporting Your Eggs, Sperm, or Embryos?

There are various reasons why individuals or couples may choose to export their reproductive materials from the UK:

  • Seeking surrogacy arrangements overseas due to limited options and unenforceable agreements in the UK

  • Storing gametes before undergoing cancer treatment or gender reassignment

  • Accessing specialised IVF treatments or donor materials available abroad

  • Residing overseas and pursuing fertility treatments in another country

Steps to Export Your Stored Reproductive Materials

Planning and Coordination

  • Evaluate your timescales as exporting can be a lengthy and bureaucratic process.

  • Consult with the UK clinic where your gametes or embryos are stored or choose a licensed UK fertility clinic experienced in international exports.

  • Engage with your chosen overseas clinic to ensure they are familiar with importing gametes and embryos from the UK.

Communication and Documentation

  • Facilitate communication between your UK and overseas clinics to ensure compliance with regulatory rules and safety protocols.

  • Assemble all necessary paperwork, which may include:

  • Consent forms for releasing and transporting your reproductive tissue

  • Confirmation from the receiving clinic

  • Health test results (HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis)

  • Additional screening tests as required by UK and foreign regulations

Understanding UK Legal and Regulatory Rules

UK fertility clinics are regulated by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) and must adhere to their Code of Practice and Directions. To export gametes or embryos, clinics can either:

  • Follow the General Direction route, which simplifies the export process

  • Seek specific permission from the HFEA under the Special Direction route, a more complex and uncertain option

Compliance with UK regulations involves selecting an overseas clinic that meets safety and accreditation standards, providing written consent, and ensuring compliance with UK storage and treatment laws.

Commercial Surrogacy Abroad

UK clinics can now legally export embryos or gametes for overseas surrogacy arrangements, including 'commercial' surrogacy, following updated HFEA guidance issued in 2020.

Understanding Foreign Legal and Regulatory Rules

Each country may have specific requirements for screening and creating embryos. It's essential to understand the regulations of the country you are exporting to, such as FDA regulations in the US, and plan your treatment accordingly.

Legal Rights and Parentage

The legal implications of conceiving or giving birth outside the UK vary depending on your specific circumstances:

  • If you are conceiving with your own gametes and carrying the pregnancy, UK law recognises you as the legal parents.

  • If using donor gametes, legal parentage can be more complex and may require careful planning.

  • For surrogacy arrangements, UK law does not automatically recognise you as the legal parents, necessitating additional legal procedures to establish parentage.


Understanding the intricacies of exporting your reproductive materials is crucial for your family-building journey. At Greenplace Healthcare, we provide comprehensive support and guidance to navigate this process smoothly, ensuring compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. Trust us to be your reliable partner in exporting your eggs, sperm, or embryos overseas, backed by our expertise as a company run by healthcare professionals committed to your care and well-being.

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